Upcoming season performances
Garrick Ohlsson starts his 2019-20 season performances with a recital on September 8 in Fresno, where he plays Brahms’ Two Rhapsodies, Seven Fantasies, Variations on a Theme by Paganini, and Sonata in F Minor.
He then moves on to Nashville, where on September 12, 13 and 14 he joins Maestro Giancarlo Guerrero and the Nashville Symphony to open a spectacular new season with Barber’s Piano Concerto, a tour-de-force that is both fiendishly challenging and abundantly musical. Also on the program for the evening are Tchaikovsky’s bold and brilliant Symphony No. 5 and Adolphus Hailstork’s An American Port of Call.
On September 20 he travels to South Korea to perform with the KBS Symphony Orchestra and conductor Edo de Waart at the Seoul Arts Center. He takes the spotlight as the soloist in Brahms’ Piano Concerto No. 2, with his Symphony No. 2 completing the evening.
Finally, for one concert in Salem on September 27 and three in Portland on September 28, 29 and 30, he interprets Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 25 in C Major, K. 503, considered one of Mozart’s most aristocratic and expansive concertos, with Carlos Kalmar leading the Oregon Symphony. Also to be heard on these dates are the world premiere commission of Oscar Bettison’s Remaking a Forest
and Brahms’s Symphony No. 2, the cheerful alter ego to the solemn melancholy of his First Symphony. The concert on September 27 is being recorded for future broadcast.