Brahms, Chopin and Beethoven in October
On October 1, Garrick Ohlsson returns to Seattle’s Meany Center with a program of Brahms and Chopin. He then performs with the Santa Rosa Symphony at Rohnert Park, California, on October 5, 6 and 7 , where he interprets Beethoven’s mesmerizing Fourth Piano Concerto, a work that begins with understated sweetness and gentle lyricism and builds to a shimmering and exultant climax. The audience will also enjoy Clyne’s charming Masquerade, which evokes the elegant costumed promenades of 18th century Europe, Browne’s How the Solar System Was Won, a rousing and rhythmic homage to the film 2001: A Space Odyssey, and Strauss’ epic tone poem Also sprach Zarathustra, which formed the bold soundtrack for Stanley Kubrick’s cinematic masterpiece.
He then travels to Tennessee, where he plays two performances with the IrisOrchestra. On October 12, they perform in Germantown, where he revisits Beethoven’s triumphant Piano Concerto No. 2 to launch the celebration of Iris’ 20th anniversary. Opening with Mozart’s incomparable Jupiter Symphony and Puccini’s Chrysanthemums, this concert celebrates IrisOrchestra’s 20 years of music-making. For their second concert, on October 13, he performs pieces by Beethoven and Chopin alongside Iris musicians at the Memphis Brooks Museum of Art Hohenberg Auditorium. Each concert is paired with a featured Brooks Museum exhibition and a reception.